Self Employed/Contracted
Contracted by a company that doesn’t offer benefits. Travel Nurses, Realtors, Renovation specialist etc. Don’t know where to start when looking for a plan that will give you the overall coverage you need?
Self Employed
Starting a business, or Scaling your business, and needing great coverage for yourself or your family? What are your options? (If you plan on having employees please select the small business/group)
Public Marketplace, Which will be based upon your pre tax household income. Being self employed/Contracted that number can be hard to gauge. If you were to make more than what you predict, you will have to pay in to the government at the end of the year. You will have restricted coverage, very limited to your zip code of providers you can see. Grouped with unhealthy individuals and paying for everyone elses health and wealth issues.
A Private plan would be the best route for a self employed individual and their family. Complete tax deduction for you/your business. Nationwide PPO (largest network, coverage in all 50 states), Rich in Frontend benefits before deductible. Saving money on a day to day basis and an annual basis. Don’t have to re-enroll plan every year, once approved guaranteed renewable plan. Grouped with healthy individuals, which gives you a more preferred rate with exceptionally better benefits. Closest thing to having employer coverage with more benefits, if not better!